Milfy Shelley Pumps 1 Tit Empyt Then Auto Expresses The Other Tit – Auto Expressing Only

Milfy Shelley grabs both breast in either hand and begins to hand express them, liking the letdown she has, she grabs the rope and beings to wrap it around her left breast, before she can even get the rope snug she is already lactating, she pulls slightly on the rope to get a tighter fit and strikes liquid gold, as it shoots across the stream in what appears a very long lasting stream. As the stream begins to slow down she unwraps the rope, and starts the process all over again, wrap the rope around her breast once, twice, three times, as the milk begins to flow, she wraps a 4th and once again she shoots out a strong and very long stream of milk. She repeats this several more times before bringing things to a close with her famous rapid fire hand expressing.