Milfy Love Talks About Being Engorged

Milfy Love still has a bundle of butterflies flying around in her tiny, petite body but that doesn’t stop her, nor does it slow down her milk production. She reveals her small but full breast and begins squirting milk everywhere. Then she tells you a story about being at a meeting, missing the baby feeding and how engorged she felt and I tell you, I don’t know if it was me, but it seems as though the more she discussed it the stronger her streams of milk became, hand expressing milk everywhere.


Milfy Love Elegant, Sensual Body Milking

Milfy Love drops her bra, massage her breast, play with her nipples to get to letdown, she squeezes and streams of milk comes flowing out, she switches from one breast to the other, until she removes her bra completely and then teases you with hot dripping milk running down her body. She swipes at the milk dragging it to cover a larger portion of her body. She sucks her nipples drinking milk from the tap, squirting in her hand, pouring it over her breast and letting it flow down her body.